Tag Archives: Fairy

Those You May Not See

The Fey are real.

But they’re not.

You won’t bump into one in the middle of the street in broad daylight, all pointy eared and buzzing wings.

But you might.

I’ve worked with the Fey for some time now. What started as outright disbelief turned into a passing curiosity which then over time and several experiences, moved into something I would call a wonderful friendship..

To be clear, I’m not talking about the fairies of folklore.

But I am.

I’m talking about something a bit more hard to pin down. I call them the Fey or the Fair Folk, out of necessity and to give people a point of reference. I prefer to think of them as Elementals, Nature spirits, unseen allies.

You know, Faeries.

But not.

Working with the Fey is a matter of perception and staying alert to your intuition, your internal perception. It’s a creative give-and-take which is incredibly difficult to constrain into a simple checklist of “How do I do this?” However, that’s one of the things I’ll try to do here.

The toughest part is to realize they will hear you if you talk to them.

The easiest part is believing in magic.

Or do I have those reversed?

The trick is understanding that although they may hear you, they may choose not to listen or respond, Though in my experience, they always respond.

It just may not be as quickly as like.

Or in the way you would prefer.

They communicate through feelings, emotions, and odd images in your mind’s eye. The best way to sense them and communicate with them is meditation. You have to learn to quiet your mind and to trust your inner perceptions. Practice with your third eye. Practice lucid dreaming and visualization. It will help. I have heard the sound of their laughter, of chimes, horns, bells. I’ve heard comments, had formal communication and felt their presence around me.

But I haven’t.

There are places where they are quite active. These are, generally, areas of wildness and wood. However, they can also be found in abandoned places in a city or on the edge of an urban park.  You can find them in a national forest and just as easily sense them in a small patch of an urban park or on abandoned property.  Look to the liminal.

The best way to find “Fair Folk” is to stop looking for them.

It’s not about seeing them physically.

It’s about sensing them with your inner senses.

They are closer than you think.